Solar Energy : Mapping the road ahead

Friday, 20 March 2020 | 11:35 WIB | Humas EBTKE


Solar Energy: Mapping the Road Ahead is a collaborative effort of the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the International Solar Alliance (ISA) to provide government, industry and civil society stakeholders with the methodology and tools to plan and implement national and regional solar energy roadmaps. Despite plummeting costs, solar energy expansion still depends largely on policy makers setting ambitious targets and implementing sound policies, market designs and  regulatory frameworks, including for technological research, development and deployment. This guide for policy makers addresses all solar technologies – solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity, concentrating solar power (CSP, or solar thermal electricity [STE]), and solar heating and cooling (SHC). As well, it looks at applications such as utility-scale PV and CSP power generation; on- and off-grid distributed electricity generation; solar thermal water/space heating and cooling; solar heat for industry; solar cooking; and solar fuels.

Sound knowledge of solar energy resources, its constituents (direct and diffuse radiation) and variations across time scales is a prerequisite. Solar resources must be analysed together with energy demand, its elements (electricity, heat, transport, fuel) and its variations from one time period to another. Importantly, this guide also addresses resource variability and key energy access concerns.

Designed for decision makers in developing and emerging as well as developed economies, this guide does not cover every aspect of solar energy technology, policy and deployment. Rather, it aims to provide a comprehensive list of steps and issues for each phase of solar energy roadmapping and deployment. Selected case studies encapsulate the wide array of existing applications, and discussions of deployment drivers and barriers are accompanied by realistic recommendations for actions, tools, and useful information.

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