Women Professional Development in South-South Triangular Cooperation on Decentralised Renewable Energy (SSTC DRE)

Senin, 20 Mei 2024 | 10:00 WIB | Humas EBTKE



The Directorate General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation of the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (DG NREEC MEMR) supported by the Government of Germany through The Deutsche Gesellschaft fu?r Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH implementing the joint Indonesian-German project on “Renewable Energy Mini-grids in South-South Triangular Cooperation in Indonesia (ENTRI) since January 2023. The project purposes including to implement a program for strengthening women practitioners on decentralised renewable energy among the involved countries in South-South Triangular Cooperation implemented within ENTRI.

To meet the objective, the project has developed A Concept for Women Professional Development in South-South Triangular Cooperation on Decentralised Renewable Energy (SSTC DRE) which will serve as a key reference towards implementing a tandem programme and joint knowledge sharing among state and non-state DRE women professionals across SSTC involved countries, which in this case are Indonesia, Madagascar, Nepal and Kenya.

The Concept for Women Professional Development in SSTC DRE which aims to share learnings and insights on women’s leadership and gender mainstreaming in decentralized renewable energy to positively impact lives of poor women and their communities, is projected to result the outputs such as network or platform among women professionals and SSTC RE stakeholders that will contribute to a sustained learning and exchange on gender mainstreaming in DRE.

Expanding access to renewable energy is a strategic solution to simultaneously address gender inequality and uneven access to energy. It is with the high hope that the Concept for Women Professional Development on SSTC DRE and its planned implementation can contribute to reducing energy inequality and gender inequality efforts in the SSTC involved countries within ENTRI and many more countries with the spirit of South-South Cooperation.

With the availability of the Concept, please allow me to invite wider community of energy enthusiasts for more joint efforts to further implement, exercise and materialise the Concept towards concrete actions in reducing gender gaps in energy sector.

Thank you,


Jakarta, April 2024

Andriah Feby Misna

Director of Various New Energy and Renewable Energy, Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Republic of Indonesia

The document can be read and downloaded at the following link: Women Professional Development in SSTC DRE

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